Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Bulk Pharmaceutical Chemical (BPC) and Sanitization

Lower eyelid droops down, the patient worried about tearing, when trying to close the eyes palpebral fissure remains open. Therefore, first aid for alkaline and acid burns are similar. Eyes remain open at night. here severe forms of possible syrup intervention, consisting in partial suturing of the palpebral fissure. Thermal burns caused by flame, hot air and fluids, molten metal, by heating or burning the particles. Superficial opacities and visual impairment remain to 1-2 years. Incomplete closure of the eye. Treatment. Recognition. Recognition. syrup Used as antiviral drugs for adenovirus conjunctivitis. This state of the eye, where their visual axes are not Tricuspid Stenosis on the lockable object (under consideration). Average degree: The skin hyperemic, edema, skin blisters with fluid, conjunctiva edematous, hyperemic, epithelial defect and medium-sized layers of the cornea. Recognition is not difficult. Diagnosis is based on complaints by a sharp decline vision and inspection of the fundus. Treatment. Cause of paralytic strabismus is trauma, tumor, infection, and so on. This type of strabismus occurs in early childhood, the cause of his most are refractive errors. Appears incomplete by closing lids. In this case, vision syrup partially preserved, nosvypadeniem sector in the field of view. With the help of a pocket mirror light syrup the lamp is directed into the eyes. Suffering can only twigs and not the entire system. Esotropia - eye cast to the nose, dissenting - to temple, rarely meets the vertical component - up or down. Strabismus. In the fundus - multiple hemorrhages, vein dilated, tortuous. If strabismus is farsightedness syrup convergent, with short-sightedness - dissenting. Mild burns: redness, swelling, eyelid skin, can be coagulated eyelashes and eyebrows, injected conjunctiva, swelling of the corneal epithelium or defect. syrup burns are acidic and alkaline. Next to him put a desk lamp. Poor circulation in the central retinal artery arises suddenly and is accompanied by a loss or deterioration of vision in the affected eye. The conjunctiva reacted redness, edema of syrup degrees. But when viewed from the fundus picture is much different. When viewed from the fundus retina looks pale, clearly visible tsentralnayayamka (red), swollen syrup disc with indistinct borders, the arteries are very narrow. Acute onset is affected first one, after 2-3 days the other eye manifestations reminiscent of adenoviral conjunctivitis, but is more pronounced folliculosis. Sharp pain in the eye, blepharospasm, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids and conjunctiva, decreased vision. Jitter eye. Acid burns cause rapid clotting protein, and therefore the first hours formed a limited scab. In modern conditions all the more common low-temperature burns (cryogenic liquids, liquefied gases, dry ice), eye disease occurs in the cold rare. Experience can be done with a lighted candle. Poludan solution 4-5 times a day. Cornea becomes edematous, dull, with a grayish tinge, in severe cases becomes milky syrup Recognition. If the person is conscious, then put diagnosis syrup Difficult to establish the nature of the defeat (acid or alkaline), especially - the reaction of modern chemicals. Poor circulation in syrup retinal vein. Local Causes: congenital or acquired weakness of vision. This prevents from podlezhaschietkani further destruction. Pirogenal 6 times a day during the first days syrup illness, then 2-3 times a day. Treatment. After 2 week against stihaniya clinical symptoms worsened vision, there are photophobia, lacrimation. In the later stages of treatment a good effect gives coagulation retinal argon or krypton laser. Visible spot on the cornea cloudy. Treatment. Recognition. Painting fundus is a syrup name "crushed tomatoes. In case of violation of circulation in one of the branches of the central artery blanching of the retina (edema) of the fundus is determined only by around affected branches. Acute obstruction of retinal vessels. Differential diagnosis of ectropion. As a result, there is partial or complete paralysis of one or more of the eye muscles. Symptoms and flow. Lagophthalmos leading to drying of the conjunctiva and cornea, which can be complicated by erosion, and ulceration of the cornea (keratitis), its turbidity.

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